ETH bureaucrats ignored your complaint? Amtsgeheimnis abused?
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Taking complaint outside the ETH

In November 2008 Sonntag published two articles about this case. "MobbingworwЭrfe an ETH Institute" and "ETH-Streit: Bund schaltet sich ein"

In these articles, Nationalrat Bruno Zuppiger, the President of Sicherheitspolitischen Kommission and Michel Huissoud Deputy Director of the Federal Auditing Office (EFK) promised an investigation. In fact, nothing was done. EFK delegated investigation to the ETH Senate and Mr. Huissoud told me that Dr. Schiesser promised to take it seriosly. Mr. Huissoud also promised to examine the results and take position on them. I received the answer from Dr. Schiesser which does not answer anything (see the page Answers without answer) in March and EFK still avoids making a statement on it. I will write more on this subject in the next few days.

That ETH Rat in its "answer" avoided answers to the most obvious questions, for example why there was no tender for outsoursing, is of course not a definite proof of wrongdoing. But it certainly should have made the financial watchdog, the EFK, very curious. This did not happen so far. Why Mr. Huissoud?

Fortunately, I found a Nationalrat, Mr. Freysinger, who took time to look into my case and who apparently cares about fairness and money of the taxpayers he represents. He made an Interpellation in Nationalrat which is currently pending.

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